I joined Calvary, and I'm gonna try out one of their LifeGroups this week, but right now I feel like my life consists of simply running from one activity to the next (my schedule currently consists of roughly 30 hrs of work/week between my two jobs and the internship, on top of 16 units). I miss having a real connection with people. All I really want is a few people that I can get close to, people that are my family away from family. I don't understand why this is so hard. It wasn't in high school, but it sure is now.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
For some reason I have a really hard time making friends, and once I have them, I have an even harder time holding on to them. The only one's I've managed to keep around are the ones that are far away from me or so busy that I don't see them very often (the closest ones are 15 miles away and the few people that I spend time with at school I only see a few times a week in class). I was really excited about the new girls that moved in to the apartment because the first one I seemed to really hit it off with. Then the other one moved in, and for a while everything was good. They still aren't bad, but the friendship I had with the one dwindled in favor of spending time with the other girl, and I feel like the odd man out. Again. I don't understand. I didn't do anything this time. I even put out a lot of energy to spend time with them so that I would not alienate myself from them. Yet somehow, I feel once again, like the one everyone tolerates, and no one really wants to spend a lot of time with. What I want is to feel like I have a life out here.
I joined Calvary, and I'm gonna try out one of their LifeGroups this week, but right now I feel like my life consists of simply running from one activity to the next (my schedule currently consists of roughly 30 hrs of work/week between my two jobs and the internship, on top of 16 units). I miss having a real connection with people. All I really want is a few people that I can get close to, people that are my family away from family. I don't understand why this is so hard. It wasn't in high school, but it sure is now.
I joined Calvary, and I'm gonna try out one of their LifeGroups this week, but right now I feel like my life consists of simply running from one activity to the next (my schedule currently consists of roughly 30 hrs of work/week between my two jobs and the internship, on top of 16 units). I miss having a real connection with people. All I really want is a few people that I can get close to, people that are my family away from family. I don't understand why this is so hard. It wasn't in high school, but it sure is now.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
I am now "unofficially" a member of Calvary Church Santa Ana. :D All that's left is for the Elders to approve my application. I'm really happy about this. The last few days I have been getting up really early (like this morning I got up at 7, yesterday at 530, Friday at 430, and Thursday at 5). I actually really like the way my schedule is turning out. For the first time since October I went to the early service before I had to be at kids church at 1030. While getting up early has been difficult, and makes me really tired around 5 pm or so, it also makes it easier for me to gets tuff done during the day, and I really appreciate having my evenings now :).
I also realized something today. I was sitting in the sanctuary, and it just kind of hit me. I have been thinking and planning about all of this cool adventure stuff to pursue when I graduate, mostly with the intent of growing my walk with God, and I have been completely ignoring those resources that I already have. It felt lie kthe voice in my head was telling me "I have provided you with so much, I am caring for you, and all you want to do is leave it all behind. Be satisfied for once and stay where I have put you." This also made me think about why I am at Biola.
When I decided to transfer, it was mostly because I got accepted to Torrey. When I thought I didn't get accepted, I wasn't sure if I should look more seriously into Masters, which would have left me in the CSUN area. Then, when I found out three days later that they changed their minds and I was in, all thoughts about staying in the area went out the window. Now, after the constant struggle I have gone through to do well, and trying to figure out what exactly it is that they want from me, I wonder if God had them change their minds, not because it's so all fired important that I am in Torrey, but because it's important for me to be in Orange County. God knew that I woukd not transfer without that acceptance, so He caused it to happen.
That's not to say that I should not be in Torrey, because it's still an amazing program that's giving me a great education. I just think that everything recently has pointed more to Orange County than to Biola. From my internship lately, to interpreting for Amber, as well as the possibilities I know are available for furthering my ASL interests, it does not seem like I am not where I am supposed to be. Things are getting good again (sort of, I'm still struggling to connect with people, but now I'm so busy that it's not as big a deal :P) and I'm looking forward to what God has in store for the next year :).
I also realized something today. I was sitting in the sanctuary, and it just kind of hit me. I have been thinking and planning about all of this cool adventure stuff to pursue when I graduate, mostly with the intent of growing my walk with God, and I have been completely ignoring those resources that I already have. It felt lie kthe voice in my head was telling me "I have provided you with so much, I am caring for you, and all you want to do is leave it all behind. Be satisfied for once and stay where I have put you." This also made me think about why I am at Biola.
When I decided to transfer, it was mostly because I got accepted to Torrey. When I thought I didn't get accepted, I wasn't sure if I should look more seriously into Masters, which would have left me in the CSUN area. Then, when I found out three days later that they changed their minds and I was in, all thoughts about staying in the area went out the window. Now, after the constant struggle I have gone through to do well, and trying to figure out what exactly it is that they want from me, I wonder if God had them change their minds, not because it's so all fired important that I am in Torrey, but because it's important for me to be in Orange County. God knew that I woukd not transfer without that acceptance, so He caused it to happen.
That's not to say that I should not be in Torrey, because it's still an amazing program that's giving me a great education. I just think that everything recently has pointed more to Orange County than to Biola. From my internship lately, to interpreting for Amber, as well as the possibilities I know are available for furthering my ASL interests, it does not seem like I am not where I am supposed to be. Things are getting good again (sort of, I'm still struggling to connect with people, but now I'm so busy that it's not as big a deal :P) and I'm looking forward to what God has in store for the next year :).
Saturday, March 26, 2011
today was amazing :)
For the first time in a while, I've been awake since 530 am took my energy pills (without them making me sick!) and actually have ENERGY. I hung out with Lauren at Fashion Island, which I haven't been to in a very long time (the only trip I remember was when I went with Libby, Gabe, and friends after a trip to the beach (the only thing I really remember about the trip was that I got my shorts wet, so I wore an extra pair of board shorts that Lindsey had, but which were far too large, so I had to tie them to my t-shirt, which created a need to leave my sweatchirt on, regardless of how warm it got :P) It was fun. We went to the Apple store where they took my malfunctioning ipod (it wouldn't turn on) and gave me a completely new one, even though I was a month past my one year warranty. Needless to say, I am quite happy with their customer service. :) All in all a fun day. I am now tired, however, and think I'll go to bed soon. Tomorrow is church and homework day :D (crossing my fingers for another day like today. :D)
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Dear Lord...
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
First day
I had my first day at my internship yesterday. It was a lot of fun :) I got to read through a case file, which was super interesting, and then photocopied it. That was it :) quite easy really. One thing that really surprised me was that when I was sitting in the office, one of the paralegals came in and said hi, then asked if I was an Attorney. :D Her next guess was intern, but she assumed I was in Law School, and asked if I was taking the bar in December when I graduate. I've had my age mistaken before, but never as older than I am. It's nice to know that when I dress in business clothes I look like an adult :).
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
for those of you interested, I got the internship at the law firm :) I start tomorrow at 10. It was a really relaxed interview. All we did was talk for a few minutes, during which I found out that he (the main lawyer at the firm I'll be at) is a Christian. Once he found out a little bit about me, he just asked when I wanted to start :) It's not paid, but since I have more hours at the YMCA now, I'm not worried about having the gas to get down there. All in all, it looks like things are working out quite nicely, praise God. :)
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Answered prayer
Over the last few weeks, there have been some stressful situations in my life. There have only been three girls in my apartment, and money got really tight due to an unexpected car repair (little stuff, but there was quite a bit of it, and it needed to get fixed). Normally, I would have been freaking out about it, and stressing about how I was going to pay for it. Not this time. I just had peace that everything would work out. As of today, I have 12 scheduled hours of work every week at the YMCA, and, assuming her credit gets approved, we have a girl moving in in the next few days :). Prayer works. :D

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
meant for evil
Over the last few months, there has been an extreme accumulation of drama in my life. It finally came to a head last week, and while I am sad that things turned out the way they did, I do feel a sense of relief. The situation has actually given me the strength to finally, completely, separate myself from a bad situation. I no longer feel the need to be cautious of my actions as they might upset someone who doesn't need any more turmoil. I finally feel free to do exactly what I want with my life. Satan meant it for evil, but God truly turned it into good. :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011
bad idea
Unfortunately, my idea of giving up visual media for Lent has quickly become a very bad idea. Instead of just giving me more time to focus on activities I should be doing, it has made me anti-social. Since this is a problem in general that I must constantly fight, I sure don't need any help in making it worse. :P The problem is that both of my roommates love to watch movies/tv. In fact, if there is downtime, that's probably what they are doing. This has lead to me hibernating in my room to avoid seeing the tv, because I know of no other way to follow through on this particular Lenton principle. Therefore, I'm switching :D. Superfluous internet surfing has also become a bad habit, and since I cannot say that I am completely giving up the internet (due to my internet classes and the fact that most of my contacts with school related things happen through e-mail) i will instead give up that part of the internet. Essentially it just means that instead of surfing the internet late at night, I'll (hopefully be sleeping). Basially, what I'm trying for is some kind of balance, because I have a tendency to allow time wasters to be far too much of a focus. I'm trying to get rid of them. So, new goal: give up unnecessary internet activity. :)
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Student voting limited?
I just read an article on Yahoo! that said the Republicans were going to try to put in place certain restrictions on student voting because "students just vote their feelings." (the point of the article was to say that Republicans were trying to reduce the democratic vote by not allowing college students to vote in a state unless either they or their parents had permanent residency there, among other things. The reasoning was the previous quote by the House speaker that students only vote liberally because that's what students do. They don't have life the life experience of adults to make informed decisions. you can read the full article here) I'm really hoping this was a misrepresentation of what the House speaker said, but I can't find any conservative based articles on it. Can someone help me out here? (On a side note, it was really hard for me to find information from conservatives on the recent ruling to eliminate federal funding for Planned Parenthood too. Are issues like this just not of that much concern to the conservative side or something? It seems like a pretty big deal to me.)
Monday, March 7, 2011
Lent (take 2)
Last year was the first year I ever thought about observing lent. (I say thought about because I never actually gave up that extra hour of sleep in favor of going to chapel :P) In an effort to replace bad habits with good ones, this year I think I'm going to give up all forms of t.v./movies that I am not required to watch (I say those I am not required to watch because this semester a fair amount of my homework includes watching movies based on the books I'm reading and comparing the screen writer's interpretation to my understanding of the book). I have been staying up late to watch them, and have used them to procrastinate on my homework. I also have a lot of unread novels, as well as unread non-fiction books sitting on my shelf that it would be far better for me to do instead of vegging in front of the t.v. Therefore, as of Wednesday, not only will I be off of Facebook (a project that started last night) but I will also be separating myself from my media addiction :P. I'm actually excited about it :D.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
I have been thinking lately about my ability to remember things, and I really find it fascinating. The smallest details, or the most inconsequential things get stored in my brain, and sometimes I wonder what the selection process is.
For example, I remember when I was 5, my family went on vacation to Oregon, and while we were at the beach there, Libby and Gabe were rolling this big log in the water with some of the older kids. My parents actually asked my why I wasn't out there with them (I was jumping the waves in the shallowest part of the water) and I responded that I was afraid of getting sucked out by the undertow. That is my earliest conscious memory of fear of the ocean, but I am afraid of it, and have been for as long as I can remember.
Another good example would be the contrast between A Tale of Two Cities and A Beautiful Mind. I first read A Tale of Two Cities in the sixth grade. The only reason I know this is because I ruined Gabe's copy of the book I was borrowing by spilling water all over it on the way home from softball practice and had to buy him a new one. :P However, all I remembered of the story was that there was a guy who liked to lick rust off of his fingers, that Charles Darnay (I didn't remember his name) had to undergo two trials, and that a man who could have been his twin gave his life for him in the end.
Now contrast that to A Beautiful Mind (which I just finished watching for the second time ever, the first being with Libby shortly after it came out on DVD). I remembered the entire plot of the movie and even several of the smaller points in between. What's even more interesting is that I remembered the questions I asked about the movie at the time (I didn't understand how the doctor could be real since he seemed to be working with the "Russians" so I asked how he knew to help John. Libby's response was that he must have just been in the audience and saw the way that John was acting) I also remember Libby saying that once she knew the ending, she wondered who pushed the desk out of the window when Charles first shows up as John's roommate.
I could continue with the examples, but the point I'm trying to make is that my memory seems to be at least sort of selective, but not consciously so. I didn't spend a lot of time dwelling on any of these incidents, I just remember them. Somehow though, even those things that I do dwell on, like the Awana verses I learned growing up, dissipate after a while. I still remember a fair amount of them, but now I forget the references, or I can only remember a phrase, or the gist of what it was trying to say. Why is it that I can remember conversations with no trouble, but those things I spent hours memorizing slowly slip from my memory?
The only real conclusion I have been able to come up with is that it is due to some sort of emotional connection or other. In the beach example I gave, there was a strong element of fear. With A Tale of Two Cities, I remember what happened to the book because I was upset that I messed up Gabe's copy (I even remember trying to fix it, by putting a dictionary on top of it to fix the warping, at Mom's suggestion, but then the cover got torn because in the drying process it stuck to the table) and remember the parts of the story that I do more because I remember my reaction to them than anything else. With the movie, I think it was just the feeling of connectedness as a family that stuck with me. Whatever the cause may be, however, it seems that my memory works on an emotionally selective basis.
I have no real amazing ending to this, I just thought it was interesting that I remember those things I react to or connect to. :P
For example, I remember when I was 5, my family went on vacation to Oregon, and while we were at the beach there, Libby and Gabe were rolling this big log in the water with some of the older kids. My parents actually asked my why I wasn't out there with them (I was jumping the waves in the shallowest part of the water) and I responded that I was afraid of getting sucked out by the undertow. That is my earliest conscious memory of fear of the ocean, but I am afraid of it, and have been for as long as I can remember.
Another good example would be the contrast between A Tale of Two Cities and A Beautiful Mind. I first read A Tale of Two Cities in the sixth grade. The only reason I know this is because I ruined Gabe's copy of the book I was borrowing by spilling water all over it on the way home from softball practice and had to buy him a new one. :P However, all I remembered of the story was that there was a guy who liked to lick rust off of his fingers, that Charles Darnay (I didn't remember his name) had to undergo two trials, and that a man who could have been his twin gave his life for him in the end.
Now contrast that to A Beautiful Mind (which I just finished watching for the second time ever, the first being with Libby shortly after it came out on DVD). I remembered the entire plot of the movie and even several of the smaller points in between. What's even more interesting is that I remembered the questions I asked about the movie at the time (I didn't understand how the doctor could be real since he seemed to be working with the "Russians" so I asked how he knew to help John. Libby's response was that he must have just been in the audience and saw the way that John was acting) I also remember Libby saying that once she knew the ending, she wondered who pushed the desk out of the window when Charles first shows up as John's roommate.
I could continue with the examples, but the point I'm trying to make is that my memory seems to be at least sort of selective, but not consciously so. I didn't spend a lot of time dwelling on any of these incidents, I just remember them. Somehow though, even those things that I do dwell on, like the Awana verses I learned growing up, dissipate after a while. I still remember a fair amount of them, but now I forget the references, or I can only remember a phrase, or the gist of what it was trying to say. Why is it that I can remember conversations with no trouble, but those things I spent hours memorizing slowly slip from my memory?
The only real conclusion I have been able to come up with is that it is due to some sort of emotional connection or other. In the beach example I gave, there was a strong element of fear. With A Tale of Two Cities, I remember what happened to the book because I was upset that I messed up Gabe's copy (I even remember trying to fix it, by putting a dictionary on top of it to fix the warping, at Mom's suggestion, but then the cover got torn because in the drying process it stuck to the table) and remember the parts of the story that I do more because I remember my reaction to them than anything else. With the movie, I think it was just the feeling of connectedness as a family that stuck with me. Whatever the cause may be, however, it seems that my memory works on an emotionally selective basis.
I have no real amazing ending to this, I just thought it was interesting that I remember those things I react to or connect to. :P
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