Or it was. I got some amazing gifts, and had a wonderful time with my family. My brother and his family came, and my sister and her husband came. Then my parents invited a guy from their Sunday School class and his two boys to spend the afternoon with us. The dog was wild of course, and spent the day outside, making his general displeasure of being left out known by constant, non-stop whining, howling, and barking, as well as pawing at the door. Unfortunately, not even the monster bone we got for him entertained him for long.
The day after Christmas we went to go see National Treasure:Book of Secrets. Good movie. Some parts were kind of unbelievable, but then again, so were some spots in the first movie. All in all, it was a well done sequel, especially considering the fact that most sequels aren't as good as the original.
The next day, I woke up sick. It wasn't too bad in the morning, but got steadily worse throughout the day. However, I did manage to get my hair cut. It's not a lot different, but I now have bangs again. For now. Then that night, my friends and I went to go see I AM LEGEND. Considering all of the good things I heard about it, I was a little bit disappointed, because I thought it would be better than it was. It was pretty good, but not as intense as I was hoping, or at least not as soon as I was expecting. Most of the movie was spent depicting how his life is now, what he does to survive, and what happened the night is wife and daughter were evacuated. However, there were a lot of good messages in it, and I am glad I went to see it. The ending was really good too. I then spent yesterday in bed, trying to get better. I watched a lot t.v. Mostly the same today. I really didn't realize how fast the day went by just because I watched t.v. It wasn't too bad, and most of the movies were pretty good, but 6 hours of Dinotopia, just a little bit much. :)
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Wow, haven't done this in a while. :) So, this week's WFMW is definitely my car. Now, while it will cost me quite a bit of money for gas, up keep, and insurance, you just can't beat it for reliability(for the most part). You see, public transportation around here isn't that great, and it doesn't always run when you need it to, and almost never gets you there in a timely manner. Cars do all three. This is why my car works for me. :)
Sunday, December 9, 2007
orange belt!!!
that's right. I passed my belt test, and am now an orange belt. unfortunately, they didn't give us the belts, if we want them, we have to pay for them ourselves. But the title is there, and I think I might a certificate or something. but that's not all. Before we started the test, they had us run through it all, so that we would know exactly what to expect, help us warm-up, and probably calm down too. So when they had a pair up to spar I got paired up with this guy named Bryce. When we were done, they split us in half to work on the form, and those of us not doing it went to sit down. As we were walking away, he said "I know this may sound kinda weird, but do you wanna go out for coffee sometime?" I just said no thanks. I probably could have handled it better, came up with something like how I was too busy or something so it wasn't just a flat out no, but I was tired, and kinda taken off guard. Oy. I have to practically beat them off with a stick ! :)
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Vegetarians and Christianity part 2
Something else that I was thinking of...
God made some animals carnivores right? but wasn't that a result of sin? I mean, they didn't eat each other before the fall right? Like it says somewhere something about the lion lying down with the lamb doesn't it? and Adam didn't eat the animals before the fall either did he? He just ate the fruit of the garden right? so then, if meat eating is a result of sin, then couldn't it conceivably be considered sin to eat meat? or, is it not, because our needs changed with the result of sin, like the work being hard now, instead of easy, so our bodies needed more than what fruits and vegetables could provide? I honestly don't genesis well enough to know verses right off the bat either that might answer these questions, so if you do know of verses that relate to this, can you give them to me? I'd appreciate it.(if you don't have answers, those of you who know Phil, do you have his e-mail address so I can ask him? Thanks)
God made some animals carnivores right? but wasn't that a result of sin? I mean, they didn't eat each other before the fall right? Like it says somewhere something about the lion lying down with the lamb doesn't it? and Adam didn't eat the animals before the fall either did he? He just ate the fruit of the garden right? so then, if meat eating is a result of sin, then couldn't it conceivably be considered sin to eat meat? or, is it not, because our needs changed with the result of sin, like the work being hard now, instead of easy, so our bodies needed more than what fruits and vegetables could provide? I honestly don't genesis well enough to know verses right off the bat either that might answer these questions, so if you do know of verses that relate to this, can you give them to me? I'd appreciate it.(if you don't have answers, those of you who know Phil, do you have his e-mail address so I can ask him? Thanks)
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Vegetarians and Christianity
The other day in class, a friend of mine was talking with me about how he's a vegetarian, and that he thinks everyone should be because it's cruel to eat animals. He asked me what I thought about it, and I told him that I am a Christian, and therefore believe what the Bible says about God giving us animals for our benefit(or something to that effect, I can't remember the verse right off the bat). He then said that the verse that talks about that, in the original Greek, the word doesn't mean rule, that we can make them do what we want them to, but more council, or guide. That we have in fact enslaved animals, and to eat them is cruel. Now I obviously don't see his point of view, but if what he said is true, and that we are supposed to be more a guide, and than a ruler, then could it conceivably be wrong to eat meat? I know animals aren't people, and therefore don't have rights like we do, but there must be a reason why we don't eat certain animals right? Or is it just a matter of culture? Like do they eat dogs and cats in other countries?and if so, is it a sin? I don't know, just something I was thinking about.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Christams Decorations
here's the pictures of my apartment, after decorating. :) you like? :)

the tree, with, and without lights. hooray for presents! :)

and the walls, with wreaths, stockings, embroidered hoops, and candy cane horses.
the wreath on my door

garland over the blinds!

the mini tree on our table. It even has mini presen

pretty bows!!!

the candy horses!

three stockings! one for each of us! :)
the tree, with, and without lights. hooray for presents! :)
garland over the blinds!
the mini tree on our table. It even has mini presen
pretty bows!!!
the candy horses!
three stockings! one for each of us! :)
well, since I haven't posted in a while, this one will probably be pretty long, and cover several different things.(I'll put pictures in the next post)
While I was at home, I got to have my birthday. I got several things, the highlight of which was getting Airwolf Season 1. It's a pretty awesome show from the 80's. It's kind of hard to explain, but if you want I have a video on m myspace page that sort of shows you what it is. I also got a shirt with my name on it in sign language, The Hobbit, a Grace Livingston Hill book, a new bike lock, and a cordless optical moue, as well as an I-tunes gift card, and a bag of butterfingers. It was nice.
Friday morning we got up super early and went shopping. I got quite a bit of my shopping done actually. We also went shopping on Saturday. That day we went out to Victoria Gardens. I had never been there before, so it was pretty cool seeing how it was all laid out. I also basically finished up up my Christmas shopping. We went to the Bass shop too. It was AMAZING! I had a fun time. Then when we got back, Christy came over and took me to see August Rush for my birthday. It's SUCH A GOOD MOVIE! I loved the music, and although the story line was really predictable, it was cute. I really liked it.
On Sunday we got up earlier than normal and my parents came to church with me. It was a good sermon, and my parents got to meet some of my friends(not more than a couple though, because some went to first service, an we went to second, and others were at home for the break, so they weren't there at all. When we got back, we ate some lunch, and they helped me put up the decorations. It looks really nice!!! It was a lot of fun. I also got to bring back the toyota.
The rest of my week was pretyy normal/uneventful, but then on Friday night, I noticed that the rear license plate was missing(well, actually, I got pulled over by the police, and they told me) So I had to go file a stolen plates report. Frustrating, yes, but the men at the station were nice, and joked with me a little bit, so it made me feel better.
Saturday was pretty good. I got a lot of errands done, went down to North Hollywood Library to get a book for one of my classes, because that was the only place they had it, and then stopped at Target, and Ralph's, and Taco Bell. After Lunch, I went to the mall to look for a few last Christmas gifts, and spent FOUR HOURS just trying to find things within my price range. I didn't even get all of them. Everything is ridiculously over priced.
Now to this morning. Today was okay. Except that I got a parking ticket. Yesterday I bought a day pass at like 3:30 p.m.. I thought that since I bought it so late it would be okay until today at 3:30 p.m. I got out to my car this morning and had a ticket on my window. I looked at the pass more closely then, and saw that it was only good until midnight last night. They gave me the ticket at 1:15 in the morning. It's only $35.00, but still. So now I have to go tomorrow and try to see if I can get a discounted parking permit for the last two weeks of school, otherwise I'll either have to continue parking in free parking, and hope it's okay, or pay for day passes and go out at midnight each night and get a new one. Either way, it's not gonna be fun.
Sothat's what my last two weeks have been. How have yours been? :)
While I was at home, I got to have my birthday. I got several things, the highlight of which was getting Airwolf Season 1. It's a pretty awesome show from the 80's. It's kind of hard to explain, but if you want I have a video on m myspace page that sort of shows you what it is. I also got a shirt with my name on it in sign language, The Hobbit, a Grace Livingston Hill book, a new bike lock, and a cordless optical moue, as well as an I-tunes gift card, and a bag of butterfingers. It was nice.
Friday morning we got up super early and went shopping. I got quite a bit of my shopping done actually. We also went shopping on Saturday. That day we went out to Victoria Gardens. I had never been there before, so it was pretty cool seeing how it was all laid out. I also basically finished up up my Christmas shopping. We went to the Bass shop too. It was AMAZING! I had a fun time. Then when we got back, Christy came over and took me to see August Rush for my birthday. It's SUCH A GOOD MOVIE! I loved the music, and although the story line was really predictable, it was cute. I really liked it.
On Sunday we got up earlier than normal and my parents came to church with me. It was a good sermon, and my parents got to meet some of my friends(not more than a couple though, because some went to first service, an we went to second, and others were at home for the break, so they weren't there at all. When we got back, we ate some lunch, and they helped me put up the decorations. It looks really nice!!! It was a lot of fun. I also got to bring back the toyota.
The rest of my week was pretyy normal/uneventful, but then on Friday night, I noticed that the rear license plate was missing(well, actually, I got pulled over by the police, and they told me) So I had to go file a stolen plates report. Frustrating, yes, but the men at the station were nice, and joked with me a little bit, so it made me feel better.
Saturday was pretty good. I got a lot of errands done, went down to North Hollywood Library to get a book for one of my classes, because that was the only place they had it, and then stopped at Target, and Ralph's, and Taco Bell. After Lunch, I went to the mall to look for a few last Christmas gifts, and spent FOUR HOURS just trying to find things within my price range. I didn't even get all of them. Everything is ridiculously over priced.
Now to this morning. Today was okay. Except that I got a parking ticket. Yesterday I bought a day pass at like 3:30 p.m.. I thought that since I bought it so late it would be okay until today at 3:30 p.m. I got out to my car this morning and had a ticket on my window. I looked at the pass more closely then, and saw that it was only good until midnight last night. They gave me the ticket at 1:15 in the morning. It's only $35.00, but still. So now I have to go tomorrow and try to see if I can get a discounted parking permit for the last two weeks of school, otherwise I'll either have to continue parking in free parking, and hope it's okay, or pay for day passes and go out at midnight each night and get a new one. Either way, it's not gonna be fun.
Sothat's what my last two weeks have been. How have yours been? :)
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