Thursday, November 21, 2013

Step one: eliminate foods

(Warning, boring post, you don't have to read if you donIt's known as an elimination diet, and the rules are quite simple really. Just take all foods out of your diet that are common allergens, or many people have negative reactions to. Then, after your body has had time to adjust to not having that food in your system, re-introduce one food type back in to your diet for one day, and see if you react negatively. At the end of 5 or 6 weeks, food allergen questions are answered :).

Step one? Throw away all the "illegal" food in my house. I have one empty pantry!
 My refrigerator didn't fare much better. Thankfully Saturday is shopping day :) (and before you start to worry, those containers on the bottom are pre-made meals, so I'm set for the next couple of days)

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