I went to Calvary's Good Friday service tonight, and while I was there, I had a thought hit me. How often do we take for granted just how monumental Christs's death was? How often do we say, almost flippantly, that of course God loves us, Jesus died for us. Stop and think about that for a second. Jesus DIED for us. He didn't just die, He endured torture, the worst kind of torture, so that we, worthless sinners that we are, could live with Him forever. The pain that He endured was unspeakable, and yet even though he did not want to go through with it, even though he asked that the cup might pass from him, he still said, in humble submission to God's will, "not my will, but yours be done."
The more I thought about it, the more I realized that while Jesus was willing to die for me, I am not very often willing to live for Him. In my human fallen-ness, I trust myself more than I trust him. My lack of faith is pitiful given what he did for me. He does not ask for much, just that I trust in him. His yoke is light and easy to bear, yet so often I discard it for the heavier burden of trusting myself.
God, forgive me for my lack of faith. Help me Lord, to trust in you, for that is truly a life well lived. Help me to keep my eyes focused on you, rather than on the turmoil of the waves around me. Truly did Jesus say "Oh you of little faith. Why did you doubt?" Lord I believe, but help me in my unbelief.
Hey, did a teenager named Anthony Skillman sing a solo during that service? His mom told me that he was going to, but we weren't able to be there since we flew out on Friday night. He was in my class a few years ago.
There was a young man who sang a solo, but they didn't introduce him. I'm assuming it was him :)
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