Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Decisions part II

IV is amazing! I feel really loved there. Especially tonight. I had Bible study, and as part of the prayer requests I mentioned that I'm pretty sure that I'll be at Biola (maybe Masters, but Biola is my first choice) next year. When I told them they all started talking to me about how they felt the same things I'm feeling (i.e. loneliness, homesickness, no real deep connections with people) when they first started, and that if I give it time, I'll probably feel better. They also all gave me their cell phone numbers(the ones I didn't already have) and told me to call them whenever I feel bored or lonely. So basically, I'm back to square one, because I pretty much had it decided that I was gonna be somewhere else next year, but now, I'm realizing that they really do care about me and want to get to know me on a deeper level, and that all I have to do is make a phone call. So I pretty much have no reason to fell alone anymore, because between the 5 or so people there, I think there really shouldn't be too much of a problem finding someone to hang out with. Man, I realized too that part of me wanted this kind of reaction when I told people what I was thinking about. I didn't get it with Jackie and Lizzie, because they want me to be happy, but can't really offer me more than what they already are, I guess. So, I thought I would kind of get the same reaction out of the IV people, but I didn't at all!!! And they really made me feel wanted and accepted, which is something I'm not really getting from my roommates. I mean, the people at the Bible Study want me to be happy too, but they also presented me with the option of staying where I am and really building connections with the people here. So, like I said, back to square one...do I go, or do I stay?(and by the way, I will still apply to the Torrey program, but I'm not so sure about leaving anymore.) Staying here would certainly be the cheapest option, and if I can be happy here, then why not? Also, one of my friends is a Deaf Studies major, and she did say that the feeling I'm getting about the program is how she feels too, but that not every deaf person is how the culture is being painted, so that maybe it wouldn't be so bad, besides, if I have my secondary teaching degree, and decide that I don't like where I am when I graduate, I can always switch to a regular school, I think, and this way I'd have more options available to me. Shoot, decisions, decisions.

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