Don't, however, is a choice. To say "I don't watch scary movies" means that you could if you wanted to, you might even be able to sleep alright afterwards, you just don't like them, so you don't watch them. Or perhaps you say "I don't read books that promote certain things." Can you? Of course you can, but again, you are choosing not to.
The article mentioned that those people who say "I can't eat this or that" were far more likely to eat it anyway. The people who said "I don't eat this or that" tended to do much better staying away from it. Why is that, I wonder? I think it is because when someone says "I can't" they are issuing a challenge to themselves. It is a phrase the engenders the response of "oh yeah? watch me." Can't is limiting. It tells you that you are not capable of doing something, and no one likes to be told, even by themselves, that they are not capable of whatever they want to do. Don't is empowering. It says "I am making a choice. I am taking control of my life. I am choosing to do these things."
The reason this struck me so much is because I have been really struggling with trying not to eat grains. I see other people eating frozen pizzas, ramen, and macaroni and cheese, and while I realize that is bad for me, that does not take away the desire to eat it. I look at that food and I think "This really sucks. I hate that I can't eat that anymore. I hate that my body is preventing me from eating what I want to." But here's the thing. That's not true. It's a lie that I tell myself so that I can feel like a victim of my circumstances. It is a lie that makes me feel better because it gives me an excuse, a reason to complain about my situation.
Well guess what? I am not a victim. I have never been a victim. I made the choice to eat differently, and to blame it on circumstances only makes me fight against that choice even more. Why did I make that choice to begin with? Because I wanted to feel better. I wanted to have more energy, more concentration, and less anxiety. Well, now I am choosing to look at it in a different way. Instead of telling myself that I "can't eat" this or that, I will remind myself that I can, but I am choosing not to. I don't eat that anymore. It's not healthy, it makes me feel sick, and I don't want to live like that anymore. I am well within my rights as a person to continue to do so, I can eat whatever I want to. But I don't anymore, because my quality of life is far superior when I continue to make the choice not to.
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