I just realized that it has been a whole week since I posted last. My apologies. Unfortunately, I don't have enough content, or the time really, to write seven posts for you today, so one long-ish post will have to suffice.
This past week has been difficult. It has been fun, and busy, and crazy, and a lot of other things, but mostly, it has just been plain hard. I've had late nights trying to finish up projects for people, and crazy days at work, where everything that can go wrong seems to. I've been dealing with the drama that goes on because two of my roommates don't like the other two. I've gone to bed early, and still awake absolutely exhausted, and with seemingly no ability to handle the world that day. Right now, I'm feeling the most fed up with everything about work as I possibly can be, because honestly, I just don't want to deal with people anymore. I want to have my own apartment, but know that's not a good idea, because while housing isn't bad out here, and as of right now I'm not too opposed to signing a year lease, I would be lucky if my current guaranteed income covered my housing as well as my student loans. In other words, it's most financially smart for me to continue living here. At least for a while anyway. And yet.
And yet God has provided. I was able to talk with a friend over skype on Sunday afternoon, I got the projects done, I've had some alone time, simply because I've been able to sleep when I normally would be awake. I have been to two Once Upon A Time Marathons, been out to lunch with friends, went to Tuesday night Bible study, had a really conversation after the fact, and generally feel like I fit here.
My frustration with work will pass. while the living situation will probably get worse before it gets better (another girl is moving in on June 25th) it will not be forever because all of them will be gone by the beginning of September. I can take off for the day in order to be alone, and have for the most part. As the summer progresses, the kinks that cause problems at the park will be worked out. Eventually, if I stay, I will have my own place. It's just dealing with everything right now. But He is faithful. He has not given me more than I can bear, and is continuing to give me the strength to make it through each day. And besides, I only have one more week before I get to go visit California :)
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