I also learned of the compassion of some of my professors (or so I think, I don't actually have my grades yet). I had bronchitis for a month, so I missed several classes, but one professor allowed me to do extra credit, as well as to re-do an assignment. Hopefully this will put me at a passing level. In addition to that, I learned that the world does not come to an end when you break up with someone. Yes it was hard, but I realized afterward that I had been relying on him far too much anyway. I was not looking to God, and I was not even making an attempt to connect with people in Orange County (not that that is necessarily a bad thing, but I was essentially shooting myself in the foot, since that's where I'm living until I'm done with school). I learned that I was really not ready to be in a relationship, as much as I wanted it.
One of the hardest things to learn, of course, has been in the last week when I got my Torrey grade. In general I base a lot of my self esteem on my grades, my Torrey grades in particular, since that is the whole reason that I am at Biola. To me, getting a B, and being told that it was because I worked way below my potential (which to me translates to "you're just being lazy. Stop goofing off and you'll do better) is a blow that is really hard to get over. I went from sobbing, to mad, and now I'm just confused. I really don't know what to do because I feel like I am doing the best I can under the circumstances, but they are saying that that is just not enough. They want 100% of 100%, but so do all my other classes, and so does work. I only have 100% to give, so where does that leave me? If all I have to give is 100% of 30%, then that's all I have to give.
At this point I feel like God is trying to tell me to let go. To learn to lean on Him. After all, that's the only reason I can come up with for why I first lost my friends,, then my dog, then my boyfriend, then my good grades. It feels like everything is slipping through my fingers. And maybe that's the point. I really have no control over anything anyways, so I should just stop trying to control and let God run things. That's really hard to do, because I like having a plan and knowing what's going to come next. I like running the show because then there are no surprises and my life is comfortable. Maybe that is the big lesson behind all of this (and I have to find one because otherwise I think I will remain bitter about the hell I went through); maybe all I need to do is stop worrying about tomorrow, and focus on today instead. God will handle everything, and I'll be happier when I let Him. It's a tough lesson to learn, but it seems to be an important one because God is not letting me go without learning it.
With that in mind then, I think my only plan needs to be to focus on God. I don't need to worry about finances, or grades. I need to be responsible about it, but He will provide, and the future will take care of itself. God help me to make you the center of my life this semester. I don't want to go through another semester like the last one.
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