Saturday, May 10, 2008
What a day!
I woke up this morning with less time to get everything done I wanted to because I got called into work. This of course added unneeded stress to my day. Which put me in sort of a bad mood, but at least I got all the important things done before I had to leave. Then, on the way to work, someone rear-ended me. Now, this is the amazing part, there was NO DAMAGE to the car!!! And it got hit by an explorer. Even more funny is that the Explorer did get hurt, the license plate got ripped out of the from bumper. :p Then, at work, this 30-40 year old guy( I don't exactly how old he is because I'd never seen him before) asked me out. I told him no, but still, creepy right? Then, on my way back, I stopped at Vons to deposit my paycheck and get some strawberries. As I was leaving, the traffic was soooo ridiculous it took me TEN MINUTES to get out of the parking lot. I'm glad the day is almost over, and I just relax. *whew*
Saturday, May 3, 2008
On a Happier Note
I saw Moulin Rouge for the time on Sunday. I LOVED IT!!! My friend Kate has it, so she let me borrow it, and I've watched it a couple of times now. The music is amazing, and although the storyline is sad, the acting is wonderful. Kinda silly in parts, but it's not the kind of silly you're supposed to take seriously, it's the kind of silly, that knows it's dumb, and just does it anyway to make you laugh at how stupid it is. While I'm doing a sort of movie reviews post, I might as well talk about P.S. I Love You too. Sweet story line, complete surprise ending, at least in part, and the acting is pretty good. Some content, unfortunately, and not all of it is flash backs of her and her husband, but it's rated pg-13, so I guess that's why. Love it. One of my new favorite movies. Another good movie, Enchanted. Cute. No, more than cute, adorable. Charming, family friendly. Everything you'd expect a good old fashioned Disney movie to be. Except it's not old fashioned. :P Girly movie though. The guys are probably not gonna wanna watch this one. Course, then again, all of the movies I'm talking about right now are chick flicks, so that last comment doesn't really apply. Ummm, I guess that's all for now. :)
My Dad...
has appendicitis. I found out tonight a few hours after they took him in. They didn't know for sure for a while, but they are sure now, and are taking him in for surgery tonight. Depending on whether or not there is infection, he could be in the hospital for a couple of days to a week. Apparently, appendicitis is not usually a big deal as long as the appendix has not ruptured, so he should be fine, but just pray for him, and the doctors. The the surgery goes/went well, and that no complications have occurred.
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