Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Torrey Interview

I had my interview for Torey on Friday. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Dr. Spears came in and started making jokes immediately. Then we all introduced ourselves, and prayed before we began. We talked about the first chapter and the first half of the second chapter of First John. A couple of the big themes were "Truth" and "Fellowship". We talked about how fellowship is not just introductions, but really getting to know someone, and how truth has to do with the reality of a situation, like if I were to say that there's a pencil on the table, and there is, it's true, but if I were to say that someone is in a costume, and they're not, then it's false. So then if something is real, it's true. The rest of the interview was question and answer for us, so we got to know a little bit about the program, and how sessions will be run. All in all, I really liked it. I'll know if I got in in 1-2 weeks. :)

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