Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I was on my way to class today, after feeling weak and shaky all day, and after a nap, which only left me more tired than before. I was feeling slightly hungry, even though I had finished eating only an hour before, and realized that maybe all of the problems that seem to have gottne worse since I went to school ,may have to do with blood sugar problems. So I looked it up online, and found that low blood sugar can cause
e)heart palpations/rapidly beating heart
f)constant hunger
g)lead to asthma( been experiencing wheezing lately)
those are only a few symptoms, but they all match what I have been feeling for a few years now, but they didn't bother me enough for me to do anything about it. When I finally thought about it and looked it up, it made sense, so I called my mom ,and she made some suggestions, all of which are going to require at least a slight diet change for now, and maybe a pretty drastic one later if it really is hypoglycemia, which means that I need to actually get up in the morning and eat breakfast before I leave the house. Not easy, since I am so tired all of the time, I get up at the absolute latest I can, meaning 20 min, before class, or 30 min. before work. so, please pray that I actually do this, so we can at least find out if a diet change helps.

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