Thursday, November 22, 2007
I'm home!
Sorry, no wmfw this week :) I just couldn't think of anything. But I am posting today. :) So, I am now home for Thanksgiving, and my birthday. I get to actually have it twice, because Gabe and Emily aren't coming back in tomorrow, so I get to open their gift tonight, and everybody else's tomorrow night, when we go out to dinner. Exciting! And, I saw Della(my old Sunday school teacher) I didn't realize how much I missed her, until I saw her. Church last night was probably one of the best Thanksgiving eve services I've ever been to. There wasn't a message, they just had people stand up and say what they were thankful for. The little kids that stood up were sooo adorable! Then afterwards, my mom and I went to Anna's Linens and got some Christmas decorations. I'm having a good time, and I 'm glad I'm home. I really don't want to go back to school terribly much, but I will, and then I'll be home again in a few weeks for 5-6 weeks, while I'm on Christmas vacation. Life is good.
Monday, November 19, 2007
I think this actually pretty accurate. What do you think?
***You Have a Melancholic Temperament***
Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything.
You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.
You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.
Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.
You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.
Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.
At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.
You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.
You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.
What Temperment Are You?
You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.
You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.
Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.
You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.
Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.
At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.
You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.
You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.
What Temperment Are You?
Saturday, November 17, 2007
God Works in AMAZING ways
Yesterday I got locked out of my dorm, because one of my friends had my key card and forgot to give it back to me. I was waiting out in the hall for my roommates to get back from Target, and one of my friends who lives down the hall walked past. He asked if I wanted to come inside. I did, and we just started talking. He introduced me to one of his roommates, and they asked if I was going to the carnival the school was giving. I said no, because I had AWANA that night. They asked what it was, so I explained. Then his roommate started asking me a LOT of questions about the Bible. Or at least about stuff like sex before marriage,and why is it so bad? and marriage itself, like why if it's a man made thing thing, why would God make it mandatory? or why just saying you're committed in a relationship isn't as good as marriage. I thoight it was cool, because I got to give them answers from a biblical perspective, and they seemed satisfied, and interested with my answers. They even asked me to come back some other time so that they ask me more questions. I think God might have opened a door for me to witness to them. All because I got locked out. :)
Deaf West Theater...
Has the coolest thing on Saturday mornings. They have a free story time. Parents can bring their kids, both hearing and deaf, to listen/watch a story. There's an interpreter for the hearing people and the guy telling the story tells it in ASL. I went this morning with some of my friends from my ASL class, so that I could write a paper for my class, but I'm really glad I went!!! The little kids there were soooo adorable! I really wanna go again if I get the chance. I should be able to though, because I'm getting the car!!! :)
Friday, November 16, 2007
It's wonderous time! I just got a free 13.42 lb turkey from work! hurray for free meat!!! it's large enough to feed me for probably a month!!! that is, when it's torn up into pieces and put in soups and casseroles. God really is good, because now I don't have to go without meat! I'm very excited. By the way, any good recipes for cooking a turkey?
Busy busy schedule
fri. night-Awana, study(read astronomy chapters, type out paper for drama class, look for scene),
Sat.-Deaf West Theater story time, clean apartment, make menus?, work on decorations for
Christmas(plan something that's cheap, and looks nice), exercise, read Beowulf
Sun.-Church, more dishes, more menus, more cleaning, left over homework
Sat.-Deaf West Theater story time, clean apartment, make menus?, work on decorations for
Christmas(plan something that's cheap, and looks nice), exercise, read Beowulf
Sun.-Church, more dishes, more menus, more cleaning, left over homework
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Last weekend I went shopping with my friend Kate. We went to target, and while there, I found the most amazing purse. The one I used most often I'd had since I was in the 7th grade. It was well loved, and not terribly broken, but I'd had it for so long, I figured it was time to retire it and buy a new one. Now, I do have other purses, like 5, but they all have short handles. The thing that I liked best about the one I used most was the fact that it had a long strap so that I could just wear it over my head, and across my chest, and the weight was distributed evenly so that my shoulders didn't get sore. So, I really wanted another one with a long strap. I'd found some, but they just didn't seem like a style I would use. Then I found this one at Target. It was cheap, larger than my other one, so that I could fit a fair amount of stuff in it, and it was exactly the kind I of style I liked. It worked for me.(sorry, no picture of it, I couldn't find one. :) )
Monday, November 12, 2007
I really like how houses look with decorations on them. It just makes them seem so much more like a home instead of a house. So, as much as I usually don't like putting them up, my wish to see the dorm decorated my laziness. This weekend I spent the time to decorate. Some of it was easy. When I went home last weekend, we went to Joannes so that my Mom and Libby could look for fabric. While we were there, I looked at their fall decorations. Because Halloween is over, all of their decorations were like 50-70% off. So I got some flower arrangements, and a turkey for around $7.00, and then later found a table cloth at the dollar store. That was for the table.

Then all I had to do was figure out a way to decorate the walls. Since I don't think we're allowed to use push pins, I had to think of something that I could use tape to put up. So I photocopied a bunch of my Mom's fall shapes, and cut them out to make patterns out of them. Then I cut out all of those shapes, and taped them to the walls. We have big walls, and the shapes were kinda small, so it took about 200 of them to get the walls looking decent. And man, it took forever to cut them out!!! But the results are nice, and I won't have to do it again, as I can just take the tape off the backs of these and re-use them. I also ame a little door sign so that at least a little bit of the rest of the dorm looked decorated and not just the living room. :) Here's the finished product!!!

Then all I had to do was figure out a way to decorate the walls. Since I don't think we're allowed to use push pins, I had to think of something that I could use tape to put up. So I photocopied a bunch of my Mom's fall shapes, and cut them out to make patterns out of them. Then I cut out all of those shapes, and taped them to the walls. We have big walls, and the shapes were kinda small, so it took about 200 of them to get the walls looking decent. And man, it took forever to cut them out!!! But the results are nice, and I won't have to do it again, as I can just take the tape off the backs of these and re-use them. I also ame a little door sign so that at least a little bit of the rest of the dorm looked decorated and not just the living room. :) Here's the finished product!!!
Halloween(belated, I know, Sorry)
So, here are some pictures from COC's Fall Festival(Halloween carnival). It was fun, and the kids were sooo cute! they had this really neat production also, where they decorated one of the rooms to so that it was split up into smaller rooms, and each one had a Bible theme. It was a walk through I think is what they called it. The first part was the beginning, and creation, and how perfect everything was. The second part was after the fall, and how sin damaged the world, and our relationship with God, and the third part was Christ's life, death, and resurrection. It was pretty elaborate, and really cool to see how they had put it all together.(sorry, no pictures of it. )

This Patty. How c
ool is that costume!!! She was running a ping pong toss booth.
The girl playing the fishing game was supposed to be Miss Thailand from 1987, but didn't get a sash made on time, so instead, she was a prom queen. :)

That's Brittany Burkhead. She had a coin
toss booth. Yeeha!!! :)
He just had a REALLY cool costume. And
he ran a Plinko game. that's right. Plinko.
Aren't these two princesses adorable? Th
ere were a lot of girls dressed like that there.
May I introduce Mrs. Jack Sparrow, and her lovely friend the Cal Trans Worker. :)
Until next time!!! Hope you enjoyed the Photos!!!
This Patty. How c
The girl playing the fishing game was supposed to be Miss Thailand from 1987, but didn't get a sash made on time, so instead, she was a prom queen. :)
That's Brittany Burkhead. She had a coin
He just had a REALLY cool costume. And
Aren't these two princesses adorable? Th
May I introduce Mrs. Jack Sparrow, and her lovely friend the Cal Trans Worker. :)
Until next time!!! Hope you enjoyed the Photos!!!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I guess so, at least that's what it seems to be. So far, I've had two guys ask me what I look for in a guy that I might be interested in. The first one made it obvious later that he only wanted my opinion on this matter so that he could attract this other girl that he really liked. Then proceeded to ask me to help him reply to his text messages. I should mention that I met him in the building laundromat. :) Funny who you meet in odd places. Now, the second guy(who, by the way, works at Panda with me), it seems, was truly interested in my opinion as to how he could attract ME. I wasn't sure at first, because we were just having a conversation, and it just kind of worked it's way in that direction. It did seem like an odd question, but I didn't know if he was single or not, so I answered it, and let the conversation keep going. Well, today, he came in to get his paycheck(I assume) and then hung around a little bit longer. He then asked me if i had any plans...for tonight. (It's pretty normal for him to ask me, and vice versa what the other might be doing for the weekend, but to be that specific kinda set off warning flares) I told him that I had Awana to go to tonight, so he thought for a bit, then asked what I was doing TOMORROW. See where this is going? So I told him I was going shopping with some friends. I admit, I may just be a bit paranoid, and he didn't really mean anything other than the usual friendly questions, but still. He had said earlier that, being 26, he was kinda frustrated that he was single, but hat he figured that that's where God wanted him right now. Therefore, the biggest problem, is his age, and the fact that I'm really not interested. He's almost as old my brother! that's just weird to me. Maybe in a few years, someone being 7 years older than me won't be such a big deal, but considering that I'm not yet 19, he's a bit too old for me you know? I talked to some of my friends about it, and they were like, "so what if he's 7 years older? You shouldn't let age make the decision for you, especially since you're almost 19" I don't know. It just doesn't seem quite right to me. I know that if he had actually asked me out somewhere, that refusing would have been the right thing to do, but am I wrong to not be interested only because he's so much older than me? Well that, and the fact that I've known him for like 3 months.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
WFMW updated
(I really did Post this on Wed, I just fixed it on Thurs)Hooray for the backwards edition! :) Alright, Now for your advice! How about shcool schedules? you see, I only took 12 units this semester, so my plan is to make up for it next semester. By taking 18 units. Ouch, I know, and that's not even the worst part. Because the only two unit classes also have a required lab(i.e. public speaking has a lab, that's not really any different from the regular class, it's just labeled separately, and has it's own units),Right now I have 20 units. I want to drop a class, but don't know which one, and, since my boss said it would best for me to work in the mornings before class, instead of afternoons after class, I can't have classes on Mon., Wed, and Fri. until about 2:30 or so. Right now my schedule looks like this(tentative, I haven't actually signed up for any classes yet)

So, in order to save my sanity, does anyone have any ideas as to what I should drop? (The options are : Pub. Speaking(2:50-3:15 MW, and 7-8:55 Th),Geology(9-10:50 T Th), or Photography as art(2-3:15 T Th). All Gen Ed.

So, in order to save my sanity, does anyone have any ideas as to what I should drop? (The options are : Pub. Speaking(2:50-3:15 MW, and 7-8:55 Th),Geology(9-10:50 T Th), or Photography as art(2-3:15 T Th). All Gen Ed.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
is very good for you, but also expensive when you have to pay for a gym membership in order to do so, and it makes you want to do absolutely nothing afterward. I'm glad I wnet, but now all I want to do is sleep,and I can't, because I have things I have to do. I hope it'll get easier. :)
Monday, November 5, 2007
What a weekend! I had this requirement for my ASL class to go to a deaf social event by today, and write a one page paper about it. I had two weeks to get it done. I wasn't all that worried, because I thought there would be several. I was wrong. No one showed up to any of the ones in Northridge, and I didn't know of any others very clsoe by. The only thing I knew of was a deaf expo in Ontario. (FYI, Ontario is about a 2 hr drive away, not bad when you have a car,, but muder on the buses and trains.) So, my plan was to get up at 9 am(yes, 9 am on a Saturday:) ), take the bus/subway to Union station, then the train to Ontario. I overslept though. I woke up at 11, and decided it was probably okay, because according ot their website, there was a train at 12:50, and 1:20. I was rpetty sure I wouldn't make the 12:50 train, but I htought I could make the 1:20 train. I got there at 1:35. They told me that the next train didn't leave until 3:25. They didn't tell me that all the trains on the San Bernardino line were running 30-45 min. late. So, technically, I could have made the 1:20 train. Since my trains was, like all the others, late, I didn't actually get to Ontario until 5:30, and the convention center by 5:45. hat left me with 15 minutes to talk to some deaf people. It counted, and I got the paper turned in, but seriously, couldn't they have told me that the other trains were going to be late so that I could have gotten on one of them instead? Oh yeah, and on the way home, I didn't get back to my stop on the orange line until about 9:30. I thought that the buses weren't running anymore, because that's what the timetable said. So I called someone to come pick me up, and while I was waiting for him to get there, a bus pulled up. Way to go Public Transportation. Cheap, but no where near reliable. Thankfully, I should only have to deal with it for a few more weeks, as I'll hopefully be getting the care after Thanksgiving. :) Other than that, I had a great weekend hanging out with my friends from home, and picking up fall decorations from Joanne's. :) Happy fall guys! I like fall, it's a perfect time of year, not too hot, and generally not too cold. Wonderfull, except for those stupid fires, but that's another story.
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