So, here are some pictures from COC's Fall Festival(Halloween carnival). It was fun, and the kids were sooo cute! they had this really neat production also, where they decorated one of the rooms to so that it was split up into smaller rooms, and each one had a Bible theme. It was a walk through I think is what they called it. The first part was the beginning, and creation, and how perfect everything was. The second part was after the fall, and how sin damaged the world, and our relationship with God, and the third part was Christ's life, death, and resurrection. It was pretty elaborate, and really cool to see how they had put it all together.(sorry, no pictures of it. )

This Patty. How c

ool is that costume!!! She was running a ping pong toss booth.
The girl playing the fishing game was supposed to be Miss Thailand from 1987, but didn't get a sash made on time, so instead, she was a prom queen. :)

That's Brittany Burkhead. She had a coin

toss booth. Yeeha!!! :)
He just had a REALLY cool costume. And

he ran a Plinko game. that's right. Plinko.
Aren't these two princesses adorable? Th

ere were a lot of girls dressed like that there.
May I introduce Mrs. Jack Sparrow, and her lovely friend the Cal Trans Worker. :)
Until next time!!! Hope you enjoyed the Photos!!!
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