Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Is something I've never been good at. I just decide that I don't want to do something at that moment, and I'll get it doen later. I always did, or almost always. In Highschool I didn't really care about studying for tests because my homework made uo for it if I did badly(which I invariably did) now, however, there is no homework, or very litttle. So I have to study for tests, but I REALLY don't want to. So tonight, on the eve of my first college test(astronomy, no less, the most boring class I have) I went work, went to InterVarsity, watched Heroes, cooked meat, cleaned up the mess, took a shower, and am now trying to make myself at least sort of study, because I know I have to in order to do well on the test. Needless to say, I think I need to get my priorities straight, namely, studying should probably come fist, and it also means that I have to get off the internet now, and get to it. :)

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