Wednesday, October 3, 2007

book review

I just finished reading the Bourne Trilogy, and I must say, it was quite an experience. They were good books(yes, all three of them for those of you have heard other people's opinions, but then again, I'm not too hard to please. :) ) So I thought I'd let y'all know a little bit about them.(I promise not to give away major plot points. )

Bourne Identity: Wow, ok, first of all, it's nothing like the movie,(or at least the whole thing is not. Basically what Hollywood did was take the three different aspects of this book and turn it into three movies) but what did you expect right? Hollywood seems to have trouble getting it right most of the time anyway. Bourne is not as likable in the books, as he has a different past,present, and future. However, if you are mentally quick enough to understand all of the "cool" strategies he comes up with to avoid capture/death(which I am NOT!) you'll definitely enjoy it, and even if you don't understand all of the strategies, when they're being explained, they usually become clear as they are being played out. Not always however, which does lend a sort of frustration to the reading.

Bourne Supremacy: Again, completely unique of hte movie, but hopefully, since they used basically just hte fisrt book to make the existing movies, they'll use parts of this one to make another one eh? we can only hope. So, Bourne is in China here for reasons that make you want to murder the American Government. However, all is made right in the end, and it really has a good ending. Of course, he wins. How else could it end? This one also has that aspect of frustration to it, or at least for me, because I felt like I didn't have three hours to pour over what was being said in a ten sentence paragraph(exaggeration, I promise) but honestly, the details are so complex that it's hard to follow.

Bourne Ultimatum: Alas, this one(and I should have mentioned that the other two do as well, but this more so, and harsher)has a lot of bad language in it. That was it's biggest downfall. Some of it could conceivably be necessary, due to the situation he is in this one, and his frustration, but a lot of it could have been left out, as the milder forms would probably have been considered cheesy. :) More frustration on the readers part, because the entire book is him hunting down an old enemy, who thinks like he does. Therefore, the elaborate setups are even more elaborate, and more confusing, because you see hsi thoughts as both his own, and those of the man he's hunting. Definately the worst of the three, because there are several parts where the books could convievably end, but it doesn't. It just kind of drags on. By the end I was thinking "is actually gonna catch him this time or not? Please let him catch him!"

Well, I hope that was helpful!!! At least for those of you considering reading them anyway.

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