Friday, February 21, 2014

Elimination Diet update

Well, I'm all done with the elimination diet. So far, I have discovered that all grains are out.  (No rice, corn, buckwheat, barley, nothin!) And beef needs to be kept to a minimum. Nightshades are inconclusive, since the only reaction to those would be my knee acting up, and with the working out I do, and the crazy changes in the weather, its hard to gauge that :P. Also, no soy, but regular beans seem to be ok. Keeping away from soy is hard though because soy lecithin is used in almost everything chocolate that is pre-made. (like chocolate chips, and especially candy) And of course, xantham gum and corn starch make an appearance in almost anything pre-made as well. So I guess that means just getting really good at making things from scratch huh? :P well, at least I have a little bit of practice :)

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