When I was little, I thought of my parents as normal people. My Dad went to work, my Mom stayed home and raised us. Life as a kid was pretty simple. I did my homework, cleaned my bedroom, and played with my friends. I didn't really think about it being boring, or interesting. It just was.
When I got a little older, and I was given a little more freedom, my friends and I liked to ride our bikes to the local Wal-Mart. That to us was exciting because it was something we could do without our parents supervision. Sometimes we even went to the local movie theater( usually after being dropped off by our parents because it was a little bit farther). One friend and I took every Friday and went on a hike in the nearby foothills. I can't even remember all the times we got into trouble of some sort.
Life was life, and it still is. However, the older you get, the more responsibility you have. The more responsibility you have, the less adventure your life is involved with. I don't mean that life has to be boring, or can't be interesting. I mean that those who are adults have responsibilities that they need to fulfill. As a result, they can't just take the day and wander through the foothills all the time, or stay up all night talking about boys. (Yeah, we did that one too, quite a bit. While trying to quietly walk through my house to the garage so we could climb up into the rafters where it was more exciting :P)
The thing is, when I was a kid, I always thought my life would be really exciting all the time. That I would have endless adventures, and explore unknown places (I had a pretty vivid imagination, what can I say?). What I didn't know then, and what I'm learning to reconcile now, is that life can't always be exciting and interesting. It might be fun to go and have adventures all over the world, but no matter where you go, life will always catch up with you.
I'm not James Bond, nor do I wish to be. And even if I was, I would still have to come home at the end of the day. Life is meant to be lived, and experienced, but the definition of that experience will always be determined by me and what I choose to do with what I am given. That being said, I like my life, and I need to learn to appreciate what I have. God has blessed me tremendously, and to be dissatisfied simply because things are not as exciting as I would like them to be is selling not only myself, but God's gifts, short.
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