Ruth left Moab. In doing so, she gave up any guarantee she had of being re-married. For a woman in her time, that was big. Most women in those days had a difficult time simply surviving without a husband to care for them.However, she did what she believed was right. She followed God, and God rewarded her for her faithfulness. He not only made sure that she was able to survive upon reaching Israel, but gave her an abundance, through Boaz.
Naomi Changed her name to Mara. She lost not only her husband, but both of her sons as well. Ruth became all that she had left. She lost faith in God's love and provision. But even through that, God remained faithful. He provided her with Ruth, a woman who left everything because of her love for Naomi and her belief in God's faithfulness. Through her, Naomi is blessed with the heritage of Jesus. Because of her, we know Naomi as Naomi, instead of as Mara.
The book of Ruth is a love story, but more than that, it is a story of God's provision in our lives.
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