Over the course of the last few days, I've felt God telling me something. Telling me that the one area I need the most work is in the way that I relate to people. I have this tendency to look at a situation and only see the role that others play. I'm always the victim. Sometimes, I'll even admit that I contributed, but do it in such a way so as to make the other person look worse because they simply didn't understand me. I know in my head that I can be a very difficult person. I know from experience that most of my friends won't stand up to me, or at least the ones that stick around anyway. The others seem to decide they've had enough so they leave. I don't know if this is because I can't take criticism, or if this is because I'm intimidating, or what. But I do know that while it is very easy to say that it is always the other person's fault, the truth is, it is never entirely one sided. So, I'm sorry.
For those of you that I ran over in an attempt to make you see things my way, I'm sorry. For those of you I alienated because I refused to see things a different way, I'm sorry. For those of you that I walked away from, and then blamed you for it, I'm sorry.
In my own perfect little world, everything is done my way. I know in my head that I need to learn to really relate to people, but in practicality, that is one of the hardest things for me to do. For those of you who have stood by me, and dealt with all of my crap, thank you. And I'm sorry for putting you through my selfishness and pride. I promise, I'm finally a work in progress.
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