A few weeks ago, there was a lot of publicity because an organization at my school, known as the Biola Underground, created a website. This website linked to another website, known as the Gay Christian Network. On this website, there was an essay, where a young man argued for why he believed that the Bible did not condemn same sex relationships. Without going into everything that he talked about (it was quite a long essay, but if you're really interested, you can read it here) one of his arguments was that while it is generally agreed upon that biologically, our bodies are created for men to be with women, it is not unnatural for men to be with men, or women to be with women, based on the fact that it is not unnatural for the crippled to use a wheel chair, or for the deaf to use Sign Language. Basically, he was saying that when people are born differently than the general population, they are allowed to do whatever they feel they need to in order to live life to the fullest.
Ok, I agree with that. But to say that acting on it is simply accepting the way you were born means that those born with ADD should not take medication to help them to focus, or those with Diabetes should not take insulin. They were born that way and should be accepted as such. To give them medication is to try to change who they were born to be.
I guess the question that I am trying to ask is if it is not unnatural for people to be attracted to a person of the same sex, then why were our bodies created in this way? And what is your response to this essay that equates homosexuality to those born with disabilities as an argument for why it is natural?
The bible talks about certain sins that we are naturally more bent towards called iniquity. These are usually inherited, not always, from our parents and/or experiences (generational iniquity). For some it's alcohol, others greed, and some homosexuality. The bible never says being a crippled is a sin, and is NOT the same thing as practicing homosexuality which the bible DOES call a sin.
The reason why I say practice because I do not believe people are born gay, sorry I don't, it's a choice. For some I agree it is much easier than others to make that choice and it may 'feel' more right that way, but it is all a choice.
But let's say for a moment we could use the wheel chair and cripple argument. Let's say some people are born gay, and so that's their wheel chair.
Is it then a sin for someone not necessarily 'born gay' to decide to be gay? Or is being bisexual wrong? Can you be straight sixty years and later change your mind? Where do you draw the line, how do you distinguish?
And if there is no standard to distinguish why does the Bible not condone it?
What if someone is born 'gay' and they remain straight their whole life? Did they sin by going against how they were made? How do you determine who falls into what category? Is it scientific? Is it all emotion? If its all based on how I feel, then I can do whatever I want and simply argue 'God made me this way, this is how I am.'
Do you know that people who are psychopathic killers have a completely different brain pattern than normal people? Some could argue they are 'born that way.' So since God 'made them that way' is it acceptable for them to murder people? That's their wheel chair to respond to how they are.
It sucks that someone may like the same sex even from an early age but that doesn't mean God is cruel to tell you it is unnatural and wrong. If it was not for our benefit physically, emotionally, and spirituality, God would not bring it up. But it is and He does.
For those who say its not fair. It's not fair for some boys' dads to be alcoholics and so it's REAL hard for them not to be one too. But many of those boys don't follow that natural desire, but ask God for grace to overcome that temptation and transform their desire and He does. I know I have friends with testimonies who did just that (and they are happy not miserable that they did). It's not being mean it is genuinely out of love.
Hope this gives new perspectives and answers questions. :)
Hey Abbey thank you for your post. The argument that this individual is making is not valid. We can agree that originally God created individuals with legs that were meant for walking/running/etc, and that he made ears for the purpose of hearing. Wheel chairs, Hearing aides, sign language were created to aide in functions that were already meant to be/present. None of these devices add a different function to how the human body already was naturally made to work. That someone is born without these functions does not make them sinful nor does their having a desire to replace them. Living a gay lifestyle is not the same because there are plenty of men and plenty of woman, there is no shortage so in that since nothing needs to be compensated for. In another since the human body was not built to function in that way, so again nothing needs to be compensated for. We also have the power of self control. If one desires to do something that is wrong, it is ok to tell them that it is wrong and not to do it. I don't see why there should be an exception in the case of homosexuality.
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