See, the reason it started with what not to do was in order to lay the groundwork of listening to what God has to say to us, personally. A lot of times, I feel that the church has missions conferences, and everyone gets fired up about going to the missions field. But what if that is not God's call for your life? I think that often times people who are not called to go over seas get guilt-ed into thinking they are bad Christians because they don't feel like overseas missions is what they are supposed to. But what if you are supposed to live for Him right here where you live? You obviously live where you live and work where you work for a reason, so why not do what God is asking you to do right where He has placed you right now?
I like the way the book ends, because it allows you that option. If you are called to sell your car and take public transportation, then do it! If you are called to work hard and be a light at your place of work, then do it! The only warning the book gives is to not wait to do what God calls you to do until you feel good about it. If He has told you to do it, then obey. I remember being told growing up that "delayed obedience is disobedience." It's true! If God tells you to do something RIGHT NOW, then you darn well better do it NOW. But don't do what He has not asked you to do. He will support you when you obey Him, but doing something because someone else tells you to, or makes you feel guilty for not doing is not an act of love.
We are called to love God with our whole hearts, and as a result, we need to be ready and willing to do His bidding, regardless of what it is. So get off your butt, give up your mediocre life, and live like God has called you to live.
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