A few weeks ago I took my friend Lauren off roading, to the same spot Alex took me to(I was very proud of the fact that I found it all by myself :D) everything went fine on the way in, and while we were there. We walked around in the creek for a while(a couple of hours to be exact, we were trying to find a swimming hole tht Mat and Alysha had mentioned, turns out that we passed it very early on and didn't even notice :P)

so here's a cool tunnel that we explored later, it just looked too inviting not to! :D

getting ready to head out down the creek

cool rocks and pretty scenery :)

you have no idea how much fun it was to climb that rock :) and what do you know, that's where the swimming place was...but we kept walking. :P

walking through the water...it was much easier than climbing on the rocks on the sides, but the stream bed hurt! Had to be careful cuz I kept falling :P

we decided to walk on the side of the creek on the way back...it went sooooo much faster! it took us 2 hours to get to where we stopped, swam a little and turned around, it took us 45 min. to get back!

Lauren like the catwalk/bridge :) it's kinda cool because there's water rushing on both sides so its pretty loud :)

Aaaaaand, like I said, we couldn't NOT explore the cool tunnel :) this is right before went inside.
We left right after this because it was around 1:30, and we had been there for about five hours at that point :P we were both pretty sunburnt...however, lest you think that the entire trip went without incident, we decided to do a little bit of exploring on side trails on the way back, and the result was...

a slightly stuck Simba. I had to call Mat and Alex to come pull us out. Sadly no pictures of the rescue party, but they got there after we had been sitting there for about three hours...interesting afternoon :P