Wednesday, May 6, 2009
For the first time in my life, I have no idea what I want. See, growing up, I always had my mind set on one thing or another, but it was always one thing at a time. For example, when I was little, I wanted to be a vet, when I got older(and really into horses) I wanted to be a jockey, a little bit older, and I wanted to do therapy with Horses, and finally in high school, something with ASL. Last year was horrible, and although it seemed like CSUN was the best place to achieve the ASL goal, I hated the school, and it's philosophy towards hearing people/interpreters/etc. So I switched to Biola. I thought I was okay with not really being able to do ASL, because if God was calling me to Biola, then it must not be in His plan right now for me to pursue Sign Language. However, I finished up ASL 3, because they offered it, and I had already taken 1 and 2, and 3 finished up my requirement. I also wanted to take it. My original goal was to take through level 5 and be done. Then I met the ASL 3 teacher. She is amazing, and really helped me to see that I didn't HAVE to drop ASL because there's a community college nearby that offers a REALLY GOOD interpreting program. So I worked out all the details, and enrolled in two classes. The problem started when the 8 am class just became too much for me to handle. I kept skipping because my schedule requires me to be up late most nights and operating on little to no sleep just doesn't work for me. So I struggled, and was doing ok, but not very well, and finally just got so discouraged, that I dropped the classes last monday. Here's where the problem arises. I'm happy that I can sleep in, and that my schedule is remarkably freer, but I feel like I'm letting go of something that is really important in my life. At first I was okay with it, but I have a friend who is taking an interpreting class at another community college right now, and I'm kind of jealous that she can do that so easily. Bottom line is, I really want Torrey, and I really want ASL, but apparently I can't do both at the same time. For now I've chosen Torrey, but I'm not sure how I'll feel if I wait until I graduate Biola to pick ASL back up again. I'm worried that I'll be so worn out by school that I won't have the energy to continue, that I'll just want to be done. I worry that I'll never have the ability to really make myself go to a class that starts at 8, so that I have to get up before 7 in order to be there on time. Thew problem was not that the class was too hard, it was that I did not have the will power to get up in the morning, knowing that it would make my normal tiredness just that much worse. Granted, usually when I get up and get going it wears off a little bit, but not enough for me to be okay with it when I could sleep till 12 otherwise. I really want ASL, but I want Torrey too, and I don't know how to reconcile the two. They seem to be conflicting interests simply because I am inadequate to do them both, and that really makes it hard for me to know what is right. Was God, in calling me to Biola(and it seemed like a pretty clear call to me) telling me that ASL was not what He wanted in my life? But if so, then why did I meet Koreen, and why did it seem possible, only to become not possible because sleep rules my life? Was it His way of telling me to grow up and deal with being tired all the time? That it doesn't have to rule my life, and it's ok to be tired because I'm doing what He wants? It just doesn't seem like there is a real answer. Either me allowing myself to sleep is a sign of immaturity that God was trying to get me to work on by giving me an 8 am class, or He doesn't want me to do ASL, one of the biggest passions I have, or I was confused about His desire for me to be at Biola, or Biola is only supposed to be temporary, to get me from place to another, and I'm supposed to go back to ASL(either at CSUN, or at Mt. SAC, either way)because God just needed to get me back on track instead of continuing to run away. Problem with that Biola only being temporary is that I don't feel the desire to leave. I still wanna be here, I am slowly making connections with people, and getting a great education. Which also cancels out my being mistaken about ever coming here to begin with. Which leaves either I'm supposed to drop ASL for now, it's God telling me, not yet, or I'm supposed to grow up and push through being tired. Seems like the latter is the right answer, but at least right now I don't see how that is really possible. It's all so confusing.
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Welcome to Adulthood! The first thing that comes to my mind and heart is that you really should have plugged along in the 8 am class. I know your decision has been made but that is my opinion. At times we have to do things that are not always the easiest or the most comfortable. Does that make them necessarily wrong? No. I have found myself in situations where I just have to buckle down and do it. It is only for a moment, really when you think about it. Not sure if you are on the semester or quarter schedule with either/both schools but really, having to get up to be at an 8am class for no more than 18 weeks is a small sacrifice to pay for following God's plan. I would encourage you to continue investing in the passions God has given you. HE will make a way. Is it always going to be easy? NO. But, he will make a way! We may have to roll up our sleeves and be willing to work hard for the end prize, but it will be worth it. I have seen countless times past students or even family take the "easy" road and now they are miserable. Do it now while you are still young, single, and have the ability to!
My youth pastor's wife shared with me while I was in college that at one time she was taking 28 units. It was either that or have to wait another 9 months to graduate. She buckled down, sacrificed everything else in her life but knew IT WAS ONLY FOR A SEASON. I cannot tell you how many times her testimony rang through in my own life while I was in school. Married, teaching full time, in school full time, did I ever get it done? Once I was completely done with school, I saw the big picture. I know you will to. You are in my prayers as you pray through God's will!
I am excited to read the wisdom your other loved ones have to offer you!
I know you're already heard this from me but I have to repeat it. You need to learn how to sleep appropriately, and that means taking the time (and dealing with feeling yucky for awhile) to train your body. Teach yourself to sleep at appropriate times and appropriate amounts. Don't allow yourself to talk yourself out of going to bed on time (not after 11pm on a daily basis) and getting up on time (7am every day). You WILL find a balance that your body can live with, but it will take effort.
You may find that you need more sleep than the average person. Maybe you need to go to bed at 10 and get up at 7 (like me - I just don't function as well on less than that). If that is so, then make it happen. You CAN. It is your choice.
When I read your post what I heard was a lot of frustration, like you feel that your life is kind of out of control and impossible to understand. So my suggestion is to do this one thing that you CAN control. Get your sleep habits in line and next semester try the 8am class again. You can do it! :)
Love you.
Emily's right; you'll have to train your body to sleep appropriately. But you many not know how to do that. So I'm going to suggest a plan of action. Keep in mind that it's going to take effort; it won't just happen on its own. You'll have to make it happen; but you CAN make it happen. You have the power! :-)
Here's the plan:
Tonight, climb into bed 15 minutes earlier than you normally would. Go to bed at that same time every night for a week. After a week, make it another 15 minutes earlier. Do that for a week. Each week, make it 15 minutes earlier, until you've reached your target bed-time (11pm...or 10pm if you need more than 8 hours of sleep). It's going to take several weeks, but that will allow your body to slowly adjust to the new sleep schedule. I dare you to try it. :-)
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