Tuesday, March 24, 2009
fun times :P
I got called in to work tonight, so I told them yes, cuz who would turn down the chance to make money right? I had nothing going on tonight anyway. :) I got a parade shift, which basically means that I got to stand somewhere and tell people which direction to walk, while being yelled at by those same people because they want to walk the other way. Not too bad, my voice is almost gone from all of the yelling, and one of the other cast members was flirting with me the entire time. It was actually really funny because I wound up trying to explain my Torrey paper to him, and thus Torrey, and how we read all this classical literature and then discuss it. When I mentioned Aristotle, he said "Oh Aristotle, he was the guy who invented the telescope right?" and I said, "nooooo, Aristotle was a philosopher" his response? "But he was in Astronomy too right? He was the guy that discovered that everything revolves around the sun." I'm having a really hard time not laughing at this point, trying to explain who Aristotle was, and that it was actually Galileo who discovered that everything revolves around the sun. It was kinda cute though, cuz I think he was trying to impress me. Gave me entertainment for the night anyway, until he asked if I had a boyfriend. I was actually smart this time and just said "it's complicated" but still, why is it that all of the guys I might be interested in at Biola I don't have a relationship with, and every guy I'm not interested in is so curious to know if I have a boyfriend or not? *sigh* life can be so frustrating.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
ahhhh Northridge :)
I got to go up to Northridge again on Friday and hang out with Kate and Johnny. It was a lot of fun, it was like everything we did last year all over again. Good times. We went to In-N-Out, and then to the Porter Ranch Starbucks deaf coffee night. I got a lot of practice reading what other people were saying cuz we met a lot of people that Kate and Johnny know, but since I didn't know them, I just watched. It was good practice. Then we went to a deaf club in LA (free entry, what's better than that?). I got to meet their friend Hudson, who is also deaf(that's how we found out about the club), and when we got there hung out with Kate while Johnny and Hudson socialized. We got to dance a little bit, but mostly watched everyone else dance(for those of you who are wondering, they turn up the bass really loud so that you can feel the beat). It was pretty amazing, they had one of those dance off kind of things, where everyone gets in a circle while two people are in the middle and doing different dance moves, and trying to better moves than the other. The funny part was that at the end these two guys started acting out parts, so that one was acting like a girl while the other was the guy and they were sort of telling a story with the dancing, like he was chasing her, trying to get her attention, and she's not interested. It was a lot of fun. When we got back we watched Watchmen online, and I got to spend the night. Awwww hooray for old times and slumber parties :). Sorry I don't have pictures, I am chronically bad about remembering to take my camera anywhere.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
general updates
Thanks to Dr. Henderson, I am interpreting the High school Sunday school class for a girl named Louise. It's pretty exciting. The biggest problem is that she only knows SEE Signing(signed exact english) and I'm learning ASL. Two totally different signing systems. SEE signs use a lot of initialized signs, and some of the signs that aren't initialized are the same as ASL signs, but have different meanings. The sing for "sin" in SEE signing is nearly the same as the sign for "argue" in ASL. I'm a little bit worried. The biggest think I'm worried about is, obviously, that I'll confuse the two, and start using SEE signs in a conversation in ASL(Louise's parents said she knows enough ASL that using ASL signs with her is not a problem). The other problem is that SSE signing is looked down on in the deaf community because it's not a "real" language like ASL is because it's taking English and conveying it with your hands, whereas ASL has it's own sentence structure, and grammar, etc.
Aside from that,I have now had three days of training at Disneyland. I get to operate Star Tours, which is kinda perfect, cuz I love Star Wars. :) The first day was called Traditions. It was basically a big overview of general instructions. Day two was "guest interactions" day, where I walked around the park with my trainer and got used to talking to the guests, pin trading, and answering general questions. I also got to spend a couple of hours reading the general Operations Guide for park emergencies, and parades, and the codes I need to know, etc. When we were done with the training part we still about an hour and a half left before we could clock out, so we went on some of the rides(well, actually only space mountain and Sleeping Beauty Castle walk through) and got to see how the Star Tours shuttle moves(we got to go into the pit and look at it from the bottom. It's pretty intense) Today was actual ride operations training. The worst part was that I had to get UP at 3:45 am in order to be there by 5. (it only takes about 20 min. to drive there, but they have us park a ways off then just shuttle us in, so you have to leave time for taking the shuttle) I learned how to open and close the doors, what to say, how to make sure the shuttle is ready for takeoff, how to group the guests for entry(called grouping, go figure) how to work the turnstile, how to greet people when they come in the front door, and how to work in the tower(mostly just watching the monitors to make sure all the guests are ok, this also includes knowing which ride stop to use should I need to stop the ride) all this took about 8 hours. I then came home and crashed. The rest of my day has been homework, not too exciting, but a nice break from the hectickness(is that even a word?) of this morning. :)
Aside from that,I have now had three days of training at Disneyland. I get to operate Star Tours, which is kinda perfect, cuz I love Star Wars. :) The first day was called Traditions. It was basically a big overview of general instructions. Day two was "guest interactions" day, where I walked around the park with my trainer and got used to talking to the guests, pin trading, and answering general questions. I also got to spend a couple of hours reading the general Operations Guide for park emergencies, and parades, and the codes I need to know, etc. When we were done with the training part we still about an hour and a half left before we could clock out, so we went on some of the rides(well, actually only space mountain and Sleeping Beauty Castle walk through) and got to see how the Star Tours shuttle moves(we got to go into the pit and look at it from the bottom. It's pretty intense) Today was actual ride operations training. The worst part was that I had to get UP at 3:45 am in order to be there by 5. (it only takes about 20 min. to drive there, but they have us park a ways off then just shuttle us in, so you have to leave time for taking the shuttle) I learned how to open and close the doors, what to say, how to make sure the shuttle is ready for takeoff, how to group the guests for entry(called grouping, go figure) how to work the turnstile, how to greet people when they come in the front door, and how to work in the tower(mostly just watching the monitors to make sure all the guests are ok, this also includes knowing which ride stop to use should I need to stop the ride) all this took about 8 hours. I then came home and crashed. The rest of my day has been homework, not too exciting, but a nice break from the hectickness(is that even a word?) of this morning. :)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Bad week. So far I have forgotten to turn in a pull question, and forgotten an appointment with my mentor(well, I didn't completely forget, I just switched the days around, I thought it was Thursday, and it was on Tuesday, but still a bad situation) so basically, this week was the most detrimental to my grade it could POSSIBLY be. Apparently I'm not handling the stress of the other classes as well as I thought. Pray please? Things can;t get much worse at this point.
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