This sort of leads to a greater question about free will. In that case, we really do have free will, God just has the foreknowledge of what our choices will be. That being the case, could our lives turn out any differently than they do? If we have already made our decisions before we are ever even born, then it seems unlikely that our path could be anything but what it is. We don't know what it will be, but God does, and has planned accordingly.
Kind of cool to think about, but also sort of saddening. While I know that Christ is in heaven, it's hard to think of God looking down and seeing His son on the cross. That doesn't change. It also Sort of brings new meaning to the idea that we put Christ on the cross every time we sin. It's true. God knew every choice we would make in advance, which is why Christ could die for our sins in advance, but it still makes me sad to think about. It also makes me want to live a more godly life. Kind of like a challenge. :)