I'm finding that the one area that Satan likes to attack me in the most, is the one regarding my relationships with other people. It doesn't matter who it is, if there's some way that he can make me feel like I'm being abandoned, forgotten, or rejected by someone, he will do it. It doesn't take but one tiny little doubt in my mind about any given situation, for my mind to immediately decide that they have rejected me. Even if there has been no reason from our relationship in the past to suggest that that's the case, that is the first thing that he sends my way. It is especially hard when there's been a history of a rocky relationship, but that history doesn't have to be there. Any suggestion of it, and my first thought is "well, I guess we weren't as good of friends as I thought." This is not right. People are not trying to hurt me, and I'm tired of living my life with the fear that they are.
Part of me says that this can be changed by deciding that I don't care. In essence, to stop fighting for certain relationships. To let them go. There comes a point when I can't be the only one putting energy into it, and if the result is going to leave me feeling forgotten about, then there's no point.
God, give me the wisdom to know what to do with the relationships I have in my life. Show me which ones I should keep, and which ones need to be released. Show if they should be released. I don't think anyone deserves to be told that they aren't good enough to be my friend, but that's the only way I know to prevent myself from caring. Because if I retain contact, I will continue to put forth the energy.
1 comment:
I would like to say that I miss you and love you. I get to see you in just a few days and am really looking forward to spending quality time with you. I don't like being away from you and wish I could give you a hug right now and hold you. Have a wonderful week at work and know that I am here waiting for your flight to come in. - Marc
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